New Green Mountain - Rec Site Cleaning
The goal of the project is to ensure restrooms are cleaned in a timely manner, trash is removed, and fire rings are clear of ash and debris.
Tasks to be completed by campground include:
Cottonwood Campground-74.9 miles from the Lander Field Office:
Replace toilet paper and clean 3 comfort stations (2 double toilet units and 1 single toilet unit)
Empty trash and replace liners in 4 bear-proof containers
Remove ash and other debris from 18 fire rings
Ensure 18 Picnic tables are free of graffiti and in working order
Dispose of trash at certified public transfer station or landfill
Split Rock
Replace toilet paper and clean 1 double unit comfort station.
Empty trash and replace liners in 2 bear-proof garbage container.
Ensure 11 picnic tables are free of graffiti and in working order
Dispose of trash at certified public transfer station or landfill
Wildhorse Point
Replace toilet paper and clean a comfort station with two stalls.
Empty trash and replace liners in a bear-proof garbage container.
Dispose of trash at certified public transfer station or landfill
Site Visit: New Green Mountain
POC (who to reach out for scheduling questions): Jared Oakleaf (307) 332-8407 -
Time: 10:00 AM
Date: 9/9/2024
Location of meet up: Split Rock Interpretive Site - 42.453, -107.5458, from Jeffrey City, travel east on US Highway 287 approximately 18 miles and turn north following highway signs.