The contract calls for the plugging and abandonment of 5 livestock water wells using the Wyoming Water Well Minimum Construction Standards, Chapter 4 Section 4 (2011). This includes at a minimum to plug the well with bentonite chips/pellets or grout, cut the casing 18¿ below the surface and grade to the surrounding contour. The wells are Type IV wells. Contractor will furnish all materials.
Prospective bids will include a technical proposal. Technical requirements and evaluations factors are included in the solicitation document. Prospective bids without a technical proposal will not be considered for award.
The contract will also include clean-up of the well equipment and any trash around the wellheads, see individual well descriptions for more information. Contractor must supply a receipt showing where the trash/equipment was properly disposed of.
Depths of the wells are approximate and obtained from the well records. Contractor must tag the bottom of the wells to obtain correct depths. Contractor must coordinate with the Contracting Officer for any changes to the contract.
Rough order magnitude less than $25,000.