Contractor shall furnish labor, materials, equipment, services, and specialized skills to perform work involved in the Project. The Work included in the Bid is defined in accordance with Specification No. 3890 and Plan Nos. 1-3089 and 18-112. The work generally includes: clearing and grubbing; installation of pile wall system (steel H-pile with precast concrete lagging); removal of the existing pavement and base and re-grading the roadway; installation of asphalt concrete pavement over crushed miscellaneous base; installation of concrete curb and gutter; installation of concrete curb; removal of existing damaged guardrails and installation of new Midwest Guard Rail (MGS) system with steel posts; adjustment of existing manholes, utility valves, and water meters to finished grade; installation of new traffic signing, striping, and pavement markings; installation of irrigation system; and removal and planting of various trees, shrubs, and ground cover along the slope to improve erosion control; as shown on the project plans and specifications, Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (SPPWC 2021 Edition), and the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (2021 Edition), including all supplements thereto issued prior to bid opening date.