**The City requires all parties interested in this bid opportunity to email the City and request to be added to the plan holder list.**
The work is as described below:
For Project No. 24171 Stoneridge (F-1) Line and Turnout No. 4:
The work shall consist of, but is not limited to, providing and installing 3,500 linear feet of 24-inch fusible polyvinyl chloride potable water main by open trench; 50 linear feet of 24-inch, 120 linear feet of 18-inch, and 200 linear feet of 16-inch HDSS Class 350 ductile iron potable water main by open trench; 40 linear feet of fusible pipe in steel casing by jack and bore; connection to city's existing 12-inch and 16-inch potable mains. All improvements are to be restrained, externally kicked, and cathodically protected. Work also includes, but is not limited to, site preparation for installation of prepacked booster station (prepackaged station by others); construction of new turnout; remobilization to install prepacked station including electrical tie-ins; connection to new potable main and Zone 7’s existing 20-inch line; coordination with booster station supplier for testing and acceptance of system; disinfection, flushing, testing and acceptance of new water mains; abandonment and removal of pipe; and street, landscape, and hardscape restoration.
For Project No. 24173 Sunol Pipeline Improvements (F-7 Line):
The work shall consist of, but is not limited to, providing and installing 4,500 linear feet of 20-inch HDSS Class 350 potable water main by open trench; 30 linear feet of 20-inch ductile iron pipe in steel casing by jack and bore; connection to city’s existing 12-inch, 20-inch, and 24-inch potable mains. All improvements are to be restrained, externally kicked, and bonded. Work also includes, but is not limited to, disinfection, flushing, testing and acceptance of new water main; and street, landscape, and hardscape restoration.
The Engineer’s cost estimate for Project No. 24171 is $5.1 million.
The Engineer’s cost estimate for Project No. 24173 is $4.4 million.