The City of Yucaipa (hereinafter referred to as “CITY”) has submitted this Request for Proposals/Qualifications (RFP/RFQ) to solicit proposals from qualified environmental firms for an on-call contract that will support the required environmental analysis for a variety of projects that are/will be proposed within the City. The scope will include providing the overall analysis, including technical studies, for the environmental review process necessary to meet the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review for public projects and also seeks permitting support for various public works projects. For example, the CITY has several public works projects, including drainage projects, currently being processed through the design phase with construction deadlines associated with various state and federal grant funding sources.
The CITY has successfully obtained grant funding for public works projects and programs from various federal, state, and local grants. Many of these funding sources and grant programs contain specific environmental reviews and requirements/criteria above and beyond what is normally required to deliver projects and programs funded by local funds only. In addition, a few projects will require consultations for permitting with one or more resource agencies, including, but not limited to, the Army Corps of Engineers, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, The Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services. The City’s engineering project delivery process also requires funding planning, programming, and coordination with the City’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (SCAG) and Transportation Planning Agency (SBCTA). Follow-up tasks during/after environmental permit issuance could include the preparation of Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plans (HMMP), Long-Term Management Plans (LTMP), conservation easements/deed restrictions, and supporting documents for project-specific mitigation approval by the resource agencies. Funding for these projects may include local, state, and federal funding.