Summary of Specifications:
The Arapahoe Library District (ALD) is seeking competitive proposals from qualified, reliable Vendors to hire a professional audio/visual company. The purpose is to solicit responses from qualified companies that describe their capabilities to identify, design, install, train, service, and warranty an integrated audio/video system (“A/V system”).
This responding Vendor shall be prepared to perform the services listed in this Request for Proposal (RFP). Such services shall include a turnkey A/V system, as well as design and installation services. In addition the vendor shall outline their experience and qualifications in performing work directly related to the services needed. The total cost of the entire A/V project is budgeted at $70K and we expect construction to start around the 3rd quarter of this year.
We are seeking a one year contract; however it is our expectation that this relationship, between the Arapahoe Library District and the award winning consultant, will continue into the future. Continuation of the contract beyond the initial period is the prerogative of ALD and not a right of the Vendor.