Summary of Specifications:
Containing over 750 square miles of land, Boulder County, Colorado is a diverse quilt of stunning mountains, rugged foothills, and productive agricultural plains. In order to enable the long term economic, environmental and social sustainability of its lands and people, each Boulder County department has pledged to incorporate a prudent sustainability focus in each of its practices and policies. To this extent, Boulder County’s Land Use building department, has among other initiatives, adopted a set of residential green building codes for new development and additions in unincorporated Boulder County.
These “BuildSmart” Regulations: e.pdf have been designed to encourage high performing, sustainable development and redevelopment within the building department’s jurisdiction. By employing either a performance or prescriptive pathway to compliance, 1,061 new homes and additions, of varying size and structural characteristics, have been built since the adoption of the BuildSmart regulations on May 1, 2008.
The Boulder County Commissioners Office is seeking qualified organizations that are able to provide a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) reflecting the embodied energy and greenhouse gas impacts of a sample of typical residential building types located within unincorporated Boulder County. Using this information, the contracted organization will then analyze the ability of the County’s BuildSmart residential green building codes to adequately address these impacts. Refer to the sections Proposal Requirements and Services to Be Provided for further details.
Specifications and a sample contract are attached.