Summary of Specifications:
The City of Brighton, Colorado by and through its Procurement & Contracts Manager is soliciting written sealed proposals from qualified firms to perform rehabilitation services to the Berry House, located at 97 Miller Street. The City of Brighton has received a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for rehabilitation of the Berry House, CDBG Project #0424-2013-1. The City will stay within the bounds of the CDBG funding, and will select the most necessary repairs for the Contractor to complete prior to award of project. The repairs for the project may include the rehabilitation of the roof, exterior paint, electrical system, windows, interior floor finishes, kitchen, bathroom, doors, and stair handrails/guard repair and paint. All work completed on the project will be performed in compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and Federal Labor Standards Provisions (See Attachment A, Section 3 Clause; and Attachment B, HUD-4010 Form). All workers employed on this project shall receive the minimum prevailing Davis-Bacon wage requirements or latest version. Wage requirements may change prior to start of work; current wage rates are in effect at the time of the bid opening. Wages will be effective 90 days after bid opening. If construction contract is not signed within the 90 day period, the most current wage rates will be in effect at that time.