Summary of Specifications:
The City of Brighton by and thorough its Procurement & Contracts Manager is accepting Bids from qualified firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary for the Lawn Care and Landscape Maintenance Services within the City of Brighton. The Contractor shall be responsible to provide all necessary supervision, labor, tools and equipment for landscape bed maintenance and mowing of sites. The Contractor shall insure that all staff adheres to all current safety standards. Lawn Care services shall consist of turf mowing, trimming and trash pickup. All Native grass will be mowed by the City of Brighton. Landscape maintenance consists of weed control by means of chemical or mechanical control and trash pickup. The landscape beds in this contract are street median, Right-of-Way plantings, and designed parks. Work shall commence from, but is not limited to, May 1st through October 31st of each year. Generally, work shall be conducted on a weekly basis for twenty-five (25) weeks. In October, work shall be done on an every other week basis or as determined by the Parks and Open Space Manager. The City reserves the right to request an early start date or to extend the services, as needed, depending on the weather, and based on award bid prices.