Summary of Specifications:
The City of Brighton by and thorough its Procurement Manager is accepting Bids from qualified construction firms to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, and material as necessary for the Remodel of the Police Department Basement including a Training Room and Restrooms, as stated in the Technical Specifications of this Invitation to Bid. The scope of this project is for the construction of a new training room and other renovations in the south portion of the unfinished basement of the Police and Municipal Courts building. Contractor will be required to construct one training room, two restrooms (1 ADA Unisex, 1 regular unisex) in the existing open area. Demolition will be required for the removal of the door and frame leading from unfinished portion of basement to the I.T. area. The Contractor will also install (1) additional door connecting both training rooms. In the existing training room a wall will be constructed providing a divider between the classroom and kitchen area. The Contractor will be required to work closely with Police staff to maintain the security of the building. The Contractor will also be required to finish the entire area including drywall, paint, ceiling grid and tile, floor tile, carpet, and plumbing. All HVAC, electrical services and communication wiring will be provided by the City and shall not be a part of this project.