RFP responses must be completed and prepared in a form that provides an insightful, straightforward, and concise overview of the capabilities of your company. Elaborate proposals beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal are not necessary or desired. Additional facts and information other than those listed below may be included if it will help to highlight your company’s qualifications and experience.
The vendor proposals is to be submitted via the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System website:
(www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado). Late proposals will not be accepted.
All materials submitted in response to this RFP shall become the property of the City of Durango and shall be considered a part of the public record of the city except for any proprietary financial information that should be clearly marked as confidential.
Proposals shall not exceed twenty (20) pages in length. Pages should be printed on the front and back of each page, each page counts towards the total, minimum #12 font.
The City reserves the right to negotiate any and all elements of any proposal.
The successful bidder must provide all equipment and personnel necessary to perform the required services. This RFP includes a project description, scope of work, submission requirements, selection process and criteria, insurance requirements, and Sample Standard Form of Agreement between the City and Consultant for Consultant Services Agreement. Sample Agreement is for reference only and is non-negotiable.
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