The consultant shall provide one electronic copy of the proposal submitted via RMEP, . The proposal should address all requests within this RFI and specifically document the process for each phase of the project using appropriate text, graphs, tables, and any other information necessary to describe the work program. Proposals shall not exceed twenty (20) pages in length.
A. Proposals shall be filed electronically via: prior to the date and time specified above as a single pdf file in your firm’s name. Late proposals will not be accepted. Proposals shall not exceed twenty (20) pages in maximum length.
B. The City of Durango reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
C. Retain one copy for your records.
D. The City of Durango is exempt from all local, state, and federal taxes.
E. The City reserves the right to reject any and all responses, to waive any informalities
or irregularities therein, and to accept the proposal that, in the opinion of the City, is in the best interest of the City of Durango.
Electronic copy should be comprised of one single (combined) pdf document, labeled with the Respondent’s name. Submittals will not be evaluated on the aesthetic of the package.
1. Any response submitted must include a cover letter which has been signed by an individual authorized to bind the Respondent. All responses submitted without such signature may be deemed non-responsive.
2. Responses shall not exceed 20 pages in length.
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