The City of Durango is seeking bids to reduce the continuity of hazardous fuels through hand cutting of vegetation on approximately 11.7 acres of City-owned lands located in the Durango Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). These 11.7 acres are linear polygons located in 5 separate units. Attached maps include: (1) the project overview; (2) aerial imagery backgrounds with contour lines to show topography; and (3) treatment-specific details on maps as necessary.
The project area is located within Durango city limits, where City-owned open space lands are adjacent to privately-owned, residential properties. Access to each of the 5 units comprising the project area have limited or no access for vehicles, may include natural surface public recreational trail corridors, and are in close proximity to residential structures. Some of the terrain included in the project area includes steep terrain, and areas of loose soil.
The vegetation varies from unit to unit but is primarily Gambel oak and/or mixed shrub ranging from three to 15 feet tall. In some places, tree species such as pinyon/juniper, ponderosa pine, and Douglas-fir are surrounded by a shrub understory.