Summary of Specifications:
The City of Evans (City) is requesting proposals for a Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) general contractor for construction of a new combined wastewater treatment facility. This new facility will treat combined flows from two separate collection basins within the City’s service area. The new treatment facility is to be located at their current Hill-n-Park (HNP) plant site and will treat approximately 3 MGD. As part of the project plan, the City will abandon its primary treatment plant (the Evans plant) and locate a new regional lift station at this site to transfer wastewater via a new force main to the HNP facility. The Evans plant currently provides wastewater service for approximately 2/3 of the Evans population, or approximately 4,000 households (1.2 MGD), and is located at the intersection of 1st Avenue and 37th Street. The HNP facility is located near the intersection of 49th Street and 35th Avenue and serves the remainder of the City’s population (0.5 MGD) and future growth areas. Figure 2-2 shows a map of the service areas and plant locations. In September of 2013, the City experienced one of the worst flooding events ever recorded in the South Platte River Basin. This flood reached stages over 18-ft in the City causing immense loss of public infrastructure and residential housing. The Evans treatment plant was severely damaged with flood waters covering their ponds and inundating the existing headworks and maintenance facilities, rendering the plant inoperable for over two weeks. Prior to this event, the City was studying expansion to the Evans plant as it had exceeded capacity levels to trigger planning phases. Following this flood event, the City has obtained various elements of funding for the management, planning, design and permitting for the new construction of the combined treatment facility at the HNP site. These funding sources include Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) grants. Additional project funding is expected to come from State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) loans and local sources. As such, this project is subject to all State Revolving Fund (SRF) program requirements including, but not limited to American Iron and Steel (AIS) and Davis Bacon prevailing wages. At the time of finalization of the GMP, the wage determination will be designated and incorporated into the CMaR contract and must be added to all subcontracts. The project is separated into multiple design segments; one is the Consolidated WWTP that is being designed by Dewberry Engineers Inc., Denver CO and the other is the Lift Station and Force Main that is being designed by HDR, Fort Collins CO. The design, permitting and construction is being managed by Ditesco, Fort Collins CO.