Summary of Specifications:
The City of Lakewood is a Colorado municipality on the western edge of the Denver metropolitan area. Like most municipalities, Lakewood receives its revenue through taxes. The population of Lakewood is 145,000 people, and there are roughly 9,300 businesses actively paying taxes in Lakewood. These businesses are required to file their taxes annually, quarterly, or monthly, based on City Code and Licensing Requirements. This year, it is anticipated that there will be 3383 monthly filers, 2452 quarterly filers, and 3517 monthly filers. All companies must file at the same time, and all packets will be sent out at the same time. The only difference with the packets will be the number or pieces within the packet.
Packets will include white 8.5x11 paper with black print in an envelope fitting the following amount of pages. Annual filers will receive a 6-page packet. Quarterly filers will receive a 7-page packet. Monthly filers will receive a 11-page packet. Pages may or may not be folded, based on the cheapest postage rate according to envelope size needed for each packet.
Packets will need to be mailed out around the middle of December each year. This year, all packets will need to be sent out on or before December 14, 2012.
Packet documents shall be sent to winning contractor as pdf files. Contractor shall print, fold, and insert documents into envelopes with the City’s logo and return address as approved by the City’s Revenue Division Managers. A list of company name and address for mailing shall be sent as an Excel file for export.
Pricing to include packet documents, envelope, and postage.