Summary of Specifications:
SCOPE: The project consists of installing two 36-inch smooth steel pipes under the railroad tracks via jacking/boring, installing two 18-inch reinforced concrete pipe and flared end sections under the trail, removing 6 feet of the existing 18-inch inlet pipe under the railroad and replacing it with 24-inch reinforced concrete pipe, installing trash racks on all pipe larger than 24-inches in diameter, installing riprap and bedding, removing a portion of the existing concrete channel, and installing a reinforced concrete channel. This project also involves restoration of any sidewalks, fences or landscaping disturbed by construction. BID CONDITION: The City of Longmont is seeking qualified Contractors with applicable experience comparable to this project. The Contractor’s representative who is directly responsible for managing the project and the Contractor’s on-site representative who has immediate charge on the Project on a daily basis shall each have satisfactorily completed the same responsibilities on at least one on-grade 24-inch or larger jacking/boring project and on at least one jacking/boring project on railroad property within the last 5 years. See Section 00830 – Special Conditions for additional requirements.