Summary of Specifications:
The City is evaluating solids handling options for dewatering and beneficial reuse of biosolids. The options for dewatering include a range of possible services from private contractors, including operating the City’s existing equipment and facilities for the next few years with a transition to longer-term arrangements for operation, maintenance and replacement of equipment. Initially, Longmont expects to award contracts to one or more contractors to operate City-owned dewatering facilities, and provide land application and composting for beneficial reuse of biosolids, as detailed in Section II of this RFP. However, the City is interested in partnering with contractors that have the capabilities to help the City meet its current and future needs and is also considering full outsourcing of biosolids operations. Under the outsourcing option, a contractor would provide operation, maintenance and replacement of dewatering equipment and facilities and also continue the beneficial reuse services. The City’s goal in evaluating full outsourcing is to determine if it can reduce the impact of future capital investments and provide flexibility in meeting future biosolids dewatering and treatment requirements.