The Project includes the replacement of the playground equipment and miscellaneous site work at Carr Park in Longmont. Work includes removal and demolition of existing concrete, removal of play area surfacing, earthwork, subgrade preparation, installation of new playground equipment, playground surfacing, playground sand, concrete playground curbing, concrete sidewalk, landscape boulders, site furnishings, drainage piping, gravel sump, and minor turf and irrigation adjustments adjacent to the work area. The Contractor shall supply all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work in accordance with the contract plans and specifications.
Bidders shall have a minimum of (3) park projects of similar scope and complexity completed within the last 5 years. Include this information and referrals as part of the Bidders Qualification Data of the Bid Submittal Document. The apparent low bidder will also be required to demonstrate that playground equipment and surfacing installers have a minimum of 5 years of experience installing their respective product and shall have a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) from the National Playground Safety Institute (NPSI) on staff with the ability to certify safety and ADA compliance regulations. Documentation and references to demonstrate these qualifications will be required prior to award of contract.