Summary of Specifications:
The current project will be the first phase of the master planned project (existing facilities were built prior to the master plan). A modified design development study will initiate the project: the purpose of the study is to firmly establish the placement of the tennis complex and parking lot on the existing site to minimize disruption to drainage and infrastructure while also allowing for the remainder of the master plan development in the future. A redrafted master plan updated to reflect the phase 1 improvements will be provided by the design consultant. A 10 court tennis court complex using post-tension concrete construction, fencing, court dividers, wind screens and surfacing to meet USTA requirements is to be planned. Six of the courts are to be lit using cut off, shielded sports lights with high energy efficiency. A 70 space parking lot with access road will utilize asphalt and concrete construction with a full concrete option as a bid alternative. Regulations and directional signage will be developed along with landscaping and irrigation as needed. Site, drainage, civil, layout, signage, lighting, landscape and irrigation design is anticipated. No architectural design is needed with the modified design development study utilizing the existing master plan study. Geo-technical investigations are needed to provide design recommendations for the courts and parking lot.