SCOPE: The scope of work generally consists of procurement and installation of a diversion cast-in place concrete diversion structure with slide gates and City owned Rubicon control gate on the Peck Ditch, a cast-in-place concrete flume structure and 18-inch stilling well, a 36-inch RCP with flared-end sections and concrete cutoff walls, grouted type “M” riprap with riprap bedding and filter fabric, miscellaneous metals, fencing, debris removal, earthwork, Peck Ditch bypass channel, excavation, backfilling and compaction, grading, dewatering, permitting, erosion and sediment control, seeding and revegetation. The Peck Ditch Augmentation Structure Project is located at the southwest corner of Longmont Airport property with access by Rogers Road west of Airport Road.
MINIMUM MANDATORY QUALIFICATIONS: The City of Longmont is seeking qualified contractors with applicable experience comparable to this project. The CONTRACTOR shall have experience on at least three similar projects with a contract price over $50,000 in the last three years. The CONTRACTOR's representative who is directly responsible for managing the project and the CONTRACTOR'S on-site representative who has immediate charge of the project on a daily basis shall each have satisfactorily completed the same responsibilities on a project with similar scope of work and size within the last five years. Bidders that fail to provide evidence that they meet the qualifications stated above may be considered non-responsive.