Summary of Specifications:
The consultant shall gather and review information on revenue, expenditures, users by classification, existing debt service costs, projected debt service cost, capital improvement costs (present to 10yr), master plan recommendations and other data needed to review and develop updated rates and charges to generate revenue for various enterprise funds. 2. The consultant shall verify equitability of proposed rates based upon review of previous analysis. 3. The consultant shall allocate the City’s expenses into a structure of fees and charges that is consistent between the utilities; is fair, equitable and objective; provides services on a self-supporting basis; determine adequate reserves; and recover all costs to maintain a positive cash balance that encompasses existing and projected debt service requirements, bond covenants, operating and maintenance costs, and funding of capital improvement needs in accordance with current master plans.
Estimated Schedule
• Draft Analysis to Water Committee: November 13, 2015 • Final Analysis to Water Committee: February 19, 2016 • City Council: March 1, 2016 • City Council (if needed): March 15, 2016 • Contract completion: March, 2016.