The City of Loveland is asking Consultants to conduct a Programming and Planning Study to determine the future needs for the Justice Center Complex and potential expansion which will focus on land use, secure vehicle storage, law enforcement program areas, and Municipal Court Administration areas. The current Police & Court Complex incorporates the existing Police & Courts Building and the segmented property located north of 10th Street.
The Programming and Planning Study will be utilized by the City to assist in determining the feasibility of future improvements to the Police & Courts Complex and will address the following topics:
Land Use – current conditions & trends including existing land use and anticipated trends and build-out analysis.
Prior experience in master planning for mid-sized police departments and legal/court programs is highly desired.
Open Space– the adjacent land may be used to house specific law enforcement programs (K9, fitness amenities, secured police vehicle parking).
Law Enforcement Programs – examine and evaluate current space allocated to existing law enforcement programs and future scheduled programs.
Court Administration Areas – examine & evaluate the support areas for the current courtroom, judge’s chambers and legal representatives.
At its completion, the Study will provide recommendations and a list of goals and strategies for improvements of space allocations.