Summary of Specifications:
The City of Loveland desires to hire a contractor to demolish two buildings located at 301 and 319 N. Lincoln Avenue and remediate the site according to the specifications in the Voluntary Cleanup Plan (“VCUP”) dated May 11, 2010 and approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (“CDPHE”). The demolition is necessary due to the environmental contamination of 301 N. Lincoln, formerly the Leslie the Cleaner (dry cleaner). The buildings to be demolished are approximately 1,700 square feet (301 N. Lincoln) and 5,800 square feet (319 N. Lincoln), and both must be completely demolished and removed. In addition, the project will require the removal and replacement of approximately 2,530 cubic yards of specification-grade fill. The City intends to bid the building demolition (including the handling and proper disposal of all regulated building materials) separate from the site remediation. Schedule A will include the building demolition and proper handling and disposal of all regulated building materials. Schedule B will include building foundation and site work demolition; contaminated material removal or remediation; and placement of specification-grade fill. Federal ARRA funding included in project see special requirements.