The City of Fruita is accepting sealed bids for the 2025 Chip Seal project in the City of Fruita, Mesa County, Colorado. Contractor shall furnish oil, chips, and compaction; lose chip removal; and fog seal for a total of approximately 64,935 square yards on various streets in the City of Fruita. Material substations shall be pre-approved by City of Fruita Public Works before use. Recovered chips are City of Fruita property, unless specified in the final contract. Contractor to pick up loose chips. Contractor shall cover/uncover manholes, valve boxes, and survey pins. Contractor shall provide traffic control. The City of Fruita shall mark and restripe and add thermal plastic, where needed, for this project. Contractor shall notify residents at least three days prior to any work to be begin, door hangers are acceptable. The Contractor will be permitted to start after May 26, 2025. Final Project completion is scheduled by July 31, 2025, including the installation and testing of all drainage, sewer, irrigation, sidewalk and pavement improvements, as well as final project cleanup, contractor demobilization and removal of any and all traffic control devices.