The City of Fruita, Colorado owns and operates an advanced wastewater reclamation facility (WWRF), which is located at 1131 15 Road, Fruita, Colorado 81521. Tetra Tech (Engineer) prepared an updated Needs Assessment Study (NAS) for the Fruita WWRF in 2021. The NAS included a prioritized list of improvement projects for implementation through the Year 2027.
During 2022, the City intends to (1) install process upgrades for sludge granulation and (2) install H2S gas ventilation and odor control at the WWRF including replacement of manholes on the gravity interceptor line. When the sludge granulation project is complete, the WWRF anticipates year-round sludge settling improvement, lower RAS rate operation, thicker initial feed solids to RDT conditioning tank, higher capacity of single ditch operation, lower operating solids retention time, and potential for reducing filamentous bacteria interruptions and improved biological nutrient removal performance. When the H2S project is complete, the city anticipates the reduction of hazardous environments and reduction in risk of blockages from deteriorating infrastructure in the collection system.
The city is seeking a construction manager at risk (CMAR) to help it implement the sludge granulation project and H2S ventilation/odor control and manhole replacements in 2022. Depending upon the success of the 2022 Project, the City may request that the CMAR provide guaranteed maximum pricing (GMP) for improvements currently slated for 2023 and subsequent years. The City’s budget for the 2022 Projects is $1,287,000.
The City of Fruita intends to select a CMAR based on qualifications and negotiate a GMP for the work package(s). The selected CMAR will work with the staff at Fruita WWRF and Tetra Tech (Engineer) to provide constructability, construction sequencing, and cost savings input before the design work packages are finalized. GMP pricing will be by means of an open book method and a shared savings provision will be included in the agreement with the CMAR.