Denver Water is soliciting proposals for the purchase of Prescription Safety Eyewear ("Eyewear"). This is an ongoing program that Denver Water offers to its employees whose positions require the use of Eyewear. The successful proposer shall be responsible for providing Eyewear which utilizes prescription requirements as provided by the employee’s own optician’s provided prescription. Denver Water is seeking to identify a provider of Eyewear to be utilized by its employees. Denver Water provides clean, reliable water to more than 1.4 million customers throughout the Denver Metropolitan area. As such, several employee’s positions require the use of safety eyewear. These employees include employees working day to day in the field, engineers, construction technicians, electricians, mechanics, and employees working to maintain dams, reservoirs, and treatment plants. During 2019, there were a total of 118 individual employees who used these services, most of which work within the Operations and Maintenance department, with a total spend of approximately $21,000.