Proposals for 2021 DOUGLAS COUNTY ON-CALL UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES; CI 2021-028 will be received by the Owner, Douglas County Government, Department of Public Works Engineering, Philip S. Miller Building, 100 Third Street, Suite 220, Castle Rock, CO 80104, until WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 2021 AT 2:00PM This project consists of standard utility locating services in the instance of after-hours emergency locating and/or if County staff are unavailable/in need of additional support.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) Documents will be available after 10:00 AM on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2021, through Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System Website ( RFP Documents are not available for purchase through Douglas County Government and can only be accessed from the above-mentioned website. Electronic versions of the RFP Documents obtained by any other means than as described above may not be complete or accurate, and it is the Offeror’s responsibility to obtain a complete set of the RFP Documents.
Offerors must submit one (1) unbound paper copy and one (1) electronic copy (in pdf format) of their Proposal no later than WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 2021 at 2:00pm. Douglas County will not accept or
consider Proposals which are time stamped at the place of receipt after the specified due date and time. Douglas County will not accept or consider e-mailed or faxed Proposals. Proposals should be hand-delivered or mailed to the location below:
Douglas County Government
Department of Public Works Engineering
100 Third Street, Suite 220
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Douglas County reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to waive formalities, informalities, or irregularities contained in a Proposal and furthermore, to award a Contract for items therein, either in whole or in part, if it is deemed to be in the best interest of Douglas County to do so. Additionally, Douglas County reserves the right to negotiate optional items and/or services with the successful Offeror. Any questions on the RFP Documents shall be directed to JUNE AMICUCCI, at 303.660.7490.
First Publication: FEBRUARY 11, 2021
Last Publication: FEBRUARY 11, 2021