This project consists of the performance of ride quality testing and reporting of data in Half-car Roughness Index (HRI), using line laser equipment, for each driving lane of the concrete roads in Douglas County as shown on the attached map and the attached list of streets in Exhibit B. No turn lanes are to be included in this project. Data shall be collected in segments, based on the Douglas County Pavement Management database, as show in the list of streets; and reported as an average HRI for each lane for each segment as well as a composite average for each segment. The selected firm must be on the Colorado Department of Transportation’s list of firms with a pavement smoothness testing device certified for use on concrete pavements.
100% of the costs of the work for data collection including equipment, fuel, traffic control, tape for marking starting and ending points of each segment to be measured, other materials, technician time and overtime data processing and reporting shall be included in the Ride Quality Testing pay item. Total lane miles are estimated at 236.9.