Douglas County, Colorado (“County”) is seeking responses from responsible and highly-qualified companies/organizations (“Respondent”) that have an interest in partnering with the County to engage members of Douglas County communities, agency and organizational stakeholders (“stakeholders”) for the purpose of understanding men’s mental health in the County and opportunities to develop, support and improve men’s mental health. Douglas County’s leadership has allocated County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for men’s mental health, and staff is interested in conducting a needs assessment to inform future strategies.
Staff believe a local assessment of the need and recommendations of effective strategies that make a difference would result in an efficient use of funds for tailored community-based interventions. While men have been disproportionately impacted by suicide for decades, effective strategies for suicide prevention and mental health promotion are far and few in between. Lack of understanding regarding the specific determinants impacting men’s mental health, what men would truly engage with and use for their health and well-being, how and where they want to access support, and what settings are conducive to identifying men with mental/behavioral health needs must be understood to reach this vulnerable and difficult to engage group.