The Public School Districts of Arapahoe County, Colorado (Cherry Creek 5 and Littleton 6) acting collectively through their authorized officials respectfully request Proposals for exclusive rights to sell product through vending machines in all buildings and fountain service at stadiums operated by the Cherry Creek and Littleton Public Schools. These districts have a combined market for such services of over 70,000 students and 9,700 employees. The districts have contiguous borders and are located in the south and east portions of the greater Denver metropolitan area.
The objective is to provide a variety of beverage products meeting regulatory standards to be sold through an exclusive vending contract. In exchange for this exclusivity, the districts expect to receive favorable product pricing, a percentage of vending sales returned to the Districts, annual sponsorship fees and complementary products for high school special events. The District desire to enter into a long term contract between five (5) and ten years in duration.
Currently, Cherry Creek has 139 vending machines and Littleton Schools has 45 vending machines placed in school and administrative sites. Fountain machines are set up at the district stadiums and athletic venues. The districts desire to maintain vending machines and foundation service at current locations.