Pursuant to and in compliance with the Contract Documents for the supply of Furnishings for the
Pueblo City-County District Library - Lucero Branch Library, the undersigned Vendor, having carefully
examined the Contract Documents and Addendum Number 1, the site and all conditions aff ecting
the Work, the undersigned hereby bids and agrees to furnish all labor, materials, transportation, equipment
and services necessary to complete all work within the time stated and in strict accordance with the Contract
Documents, for the following sum of money.
Vendor shall list separately the cost for each specifi ed manufacturer; where a cost is provided for
a manufacturer, all specifi ed items from said manufacturer must be included in the bid price. All vendors
are encouraged to provide pricing for as much of the furniture package as they can purchase. All furniture
pricing may be per purchasing contract or competitively bid. Manufacturer price shall be for the quantity and
products specifi ed. Vendor’s total pricing shall include all delivery, installation, profi t, overhead, and incidental
items required for a complete installation.
Vendor shall provide unit costs that are applicable should the owner elect to add or
delete specifi c items. This form is for specifi ed items only, not for substitutions. Unit costs
for substitutions shall be provided in Section 3.0 Conditions of Substitutions of Proposal Pricing
Form. Vendor shall verify quantity between plans and specifi cations and notify Architect of
any discrepancies.