PROPOSAL: Pursuant to and in compliance with the Contract Documents for the supply of Furnishings for the Pueblo City-County District Library - Rawlings Library, the undersigned Contractor, having carefully examined the Contract Documents and Addendum Number(s) _____, the site and all conditions aff ecting the Work, the undersigned hereby bids and agrees to furnish all labor, materials, transportation, equipment and services necessary to complete all work within the time stated and in strict accordance with the Contract Documents, for the following sum of money: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 FURNISHINGS: Contractor shall list separately the cost for each specifi ed manufacturer. All furniture pricing may be per purchasing contract or competitively bid. Manufacturer price shall be for the quantity and products specifi ed. Contractor’s total pricing shall include all delivery, installation, profi t, overhead, and incidental items required for a complete installation.
A. Work Included:
1. Furnishings required for this work are indicated on the Drawings and are itemized in
this section of the Specifi cations.
2. All fabrics specified are part of this contract and supplied by contractor.
3. Contractor must include and coordinate all furniture assembly, delivery(ies) and
incidental items required for a complete installation.
A. Manufacturer’s and Installer’s Qualifi cations
1. The manufacturer and installer of Work of this Section shall have 5 years minimum
proven experience in such Work and shall have satisfactorily completed 3 jobs of
similar size and type within the last 5 years.
2. All furniture must comply with CA 117.
3. All fabric must comply with Prop 65.
A. Submittals
1. Installer’s Certifi cation of Qualifi cations.
2. Itemized List: Itemized list of all furniture showing complete description of each
item of furniture including model numbers.
3. Complete Manufacturer’s literature, technical data and installation instructions for
each type of furniture.
4. Samples of all materials for verifi cation purposes: Submit samples of each type,
color, fi nish, pattern and texture required, showing full range of variations.
5. Submit furniture plans verifying locations of all items.
6. Submit all warranties
B. All submittals must be received by the Architect with-in 10 business days after execution
of purchase order from Owner, and before any materials of this Section are delivered to
the job site.