Requests for clarification concerning the RFP shall be submitted by e-mail and must be received by close of business March 8, 2019. Requests submitted via phone will not be accepted. All requests for clarification shall be directed by e-mail to:
Cory Williamson, CR Water SCADA System Supervisor
Dawn Tiffany, CR Water Senior Office Assistant
Responses to requests for clarification will be in email form and shall be distributed to all Consultants in the form of a supplement for the benefit of all prospective respondents, and without identification of the source of any inquiry.
Proposals shall be submitted as instructed in the Proposal Submittals Section of this RFP, and will be accepted by the Town until 2:00 p.m. March 12, 2019. Proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened.
Submittals shall be sent to the following address (faxes will not be accepted):
By mail or in person:
The Town of Castle Rock
Castle Rock Water
175 Kellogg Court
Castle Rock, CO 80109
Attention: Cory Williamson, Castle Rock SCADA System Supervisor
RE: RFP 2019-01 REVISION 1
– Castle Rock Water SCADA Planning Services
Dawn Tiffany, CR Water Senior Office Assistant