Project Description
The Town of Castle Rock (Town) is seeking a Consultant to provide engineering design services for the East Plum Creek (EPC) Reach 6 Stabilization Project. This project generally includes stream
channel improvements along the downstream reach of EPC within the Town, between the Plum Creek
Wastewater Reclamation Authority site and North Meadows Drive (see Attachment 1 for Site Map).
Expertise is solicited in floodplain analysis, stream reclamation, water control, landscape/revegetation,
survey, easement exhibit preparation and environmental permitting.
The Town has multiple objectives to be achieved through channel stabilization along Reach 6 of EPC
that include, but are not limited to:
Preserve and enhance the floodplain and its natural environment to continue serving as a natural
Protect existing infrastructure, utilities and property.
Minimize the magnitude of impact to the system by maintaining the natural channel and
preserving existing trees and vegetation.
Reduce stream degradation and restore the incised stream thalweg to minimize vertical cuts and
lateral bank erosion along the corridor.
Incorporate softer and more natural approaches to stream reclamation measures where possible
that enhance riparian and wetland habitat.
Incorporate designs and features that complement the surrounding natural and geological
Identify opportunities for maintenance access to improvements that fit the existing and
constructed riparian corridor.
Identify opportunities for incorporation of a regional trail connection, as proposed in the Town’s
master plan, with all applicable drainageway improvements.
Identify land acquisition (easements) necessary for the channel improvements and maintenance
access routes.
Secure federal approvals for floodplain, endangered species and wetland impacts in a cost
effective manor while ensuring environmental compliance and reducing public hazards.
Incorporate stakeholder input as warranted and allowable by budget.