General Requirements for Proposal
The Town of Castle Rock reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or accept any presented,
which are deemed in the best interest of the Town of Castle Rock. The Town of Castle Rock is not
bound to accept the low proposal. The Town has the sole authority in awarding this Project. The Town
reserves the right to waive any formalities and reject any or all proposals, including and without
limitation, the right to reject any or all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional
proposals and to reject the proposal of any Consultant if the Town believes that it would not be in the
best interest of the Town to make an award to that Consultant. The Town reserves the right to select
the team or firms it feels are the most appropriate for this project. The Town further reserves the right
to cancel this selection process, or select an alternate course of action. The Town of Castle Rock
reserves the right to make an award based solely on the proposals received or to negotiate further with
one or more of the respondents. Multiple awards will not be made. The Consultant selected for the
award will be chosen on the basis of greatest overall benefit to the Town of Castle Rock. The following
factors will be used to evaluate proposals. The order of the listed criteria is not indicative of their
priority, weighting, or importance.
• Firm's qualifications (relative to the scope of work);
• Project Manager(s) qualifications (as they relate to the scope of work);
• Team member/Sub-consultant qualifications (as they relate to the scope of work);
• Previous experience with similar projects;
• Ability to meet or exceed client expectations on similar projects;
• Understanding of the scope of work;
• Ability to meet schedules;
• Completeness and competence of the project approach developed to satisfy the scope of
• Discussion of constraints, problems, and issues that should be anticipated during the
performance of services and suggested approaches to resolving these problems; and
• Cost of services.