If a proposing firm submitting a proposal finds discrepancies in or omissions from the Request for Proposal (RFP), or should require additional clarification of any part thereof, a written request for interpretation shall be submitted to the email address shown above. Any interpretation of, or change made to the RFP will be made by written addendum to each proposing firm, and shall become part of any contract awarded. The Town will not be responsible for the accuracy of any oral explanations, interpretations or representations. It shall be the responsibility of each proposing firm to verify that every addendum has been received prior to submitting proposals.
All RFP Documents including issued addenda shall be obtained from BidNet site at www.BidNet.com; call 800.677.1997, Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Eastern Time for registration information or technical assistance.
Last date for questions submittal is listed in the Key Dates Section. All questions shall be submitted electronically to rjohnson@frederickco.gov with the subject line “CDOT Maintenance Facility and Park-and-Ride Design Build RFQ21-CDOT. – QUESTIONS”. If your subject line is not listed as such your questions may not be addressed. A final addendum shall be issued no later than the date listed below in the Key Dates.
All submissions must be received by the Town, via email prior to the Submittal Date and Time as listed in the Key Dates Section.
Proposals should focus on the qualifications and experience of the proposing individual or firm. A short list of individuals or firms may be developed based upon the statement of qualifications submitted. Those on the short list may be invited to interview.
Each Statement of qualifications shall have a dividing tab with a corresponding letter as the response format. For example, response shall read dividing TAB A: Letter of Interest; then followed by the corresponding documents. Each tab shall be clearly marked.
Statement of Qualifications should consist of approximately twenty (20) pages of text (not including figures, resumes, or preprinted project descriptions) and shall include the items descrived in further detail in the RFQ document.
Last Date for Questions: November 10, 20215:00 pm
Addendum (if required): November 17, 20215:00 pm
Submittal Date: November 29, 20215:00 pm
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