Provide two applications of broadleaf weed control: (1) application to be performed between spring (April 15- May 15) and fall (September 15- October 15). These applications will be scheduled by the Parks Maintenance Supervisor and Contractor at least (30) days prior to application. The park Maintenance Supervisor will provide maps and written instructions as to where and what target weeds should be controlled. Contractor will provide information about which herbicide is recommended to be used and at what concentration (see below). Typically, the town will elect to use an herbicide that is less toxic and more environmentally responsible.
Target weeds to be controlled: Broadleaf Plantain (Plantango major L. and Plantango lancelota), Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Yarrow (Archilla millefolium), White Clover(Trifolium repens), Mouse-ear Chickweed(Cerastium vulgatum), Purslane (Portoluca oleracea), Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare), Prostrate Spurge( Euphorbis supine), Thistles( Cirsium arvense and Cirsium vulgare), Round leaf mallow( Malva neglecta), Kochia (Bassia scoparia), Field bindweed( Convolvulus arvensis), Curly Dock(Rumex crispus),Lambs-quarters( Chenopodium album).