• Attend a pre-construction meeting on site with Town staff.
• Reconstruct destroyed embankment to original contours as shown on plan.
• Remove sediment and grade detention pond to achieve a storage of 36,100 cubic feet as shown on plan. Protect work limits with construction fencing.
• Install erosion and sediment controls per plan. Limits of disturbance are estimated to be under one acre thus not warranting a state stormwater permit, however a Town Stormwater Quality Permit is needed.
• Subcontract a qualified vegetation restoration contractor to follow section 1000 of standards and specifications. Items to include but not limited to: de-compaction/tilling, drill seeding, hydromulching, and adding soil amenities all disturbed areas. If initial establishment is to Town standards, then no warranty establishment period is required.
• Protect any existing trees as called out on the plan exhibit.
• Remove and replace any damaged concrete at the contractor’s expense or protect in place. Any trail removal and replacement will require standard trail detouring.
• The trail is to remain open during construction and may be temporarily closed with flaggers during equipment crossing.
• Supply the Town with an asbuilt survey certifying a storage volume of at least 36,100 cubic feet.