Separate sealed bids for construction of Hayden Center Parking Lot Improvements (A), 5th Street WaterlineReplacement & Roadway Reconstruction (B), Hospital Hill VCP Sewer Replacement (C), and Isolated PavementReconstruction (D) will be received by The Town of Hayden from bidders. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 11:00 AM on Thursday, December 8th, 2022 at Hayden Town Hall, 178 West Jefferson Avenue, Hayden, CO 81639. The work to be performed under this project shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials and equipment required to construct the facilities and features called for by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and as shown on the DRAWINGS.
Hayden Center Parking Lot Improvements (A)
·Remove existing pavement as required.
·Regrade parking lot to improve drainage.
·Install new pavement and base to meet finish grades of parking lot.
·Furnish pavement markings.
5th Street Waterline Replacement & Roadway Reconstruction (B)
·Abandonment and replacement of 494 feet of 8 inch water main.
·Install new curb stops and water meters.
·Full depth pavement reclamation of 5th Street.
Hospital Hill VCP Sewer Replacement (C)
·Replacement of 1004 feet of vitrified clay pipe and 7 manholes.
·Place new pipe by means of pipe bursting or open trench for Spruce Street and Pine Street.
·Open trench will require pavement improvements.
·Pipe anchoring will be required on 234 feet of pipe.
Isolated Pavement Reconstruction (D)
·Remove existing pavement and possible soft material at locations determined by the owner.
·Rework subgrade as needed for pavement stability.
·Install new pavement and base to meet existing grades of street.
·Furnish epoxy pavement markings as needed.