Town of Meeker Crack Fill Street Project includes cleaning cracks and furnishing and installing approximately 15,000 pounds of hot-pour, Deery American Super stretch 974, or equivalent, in the Town of Meeker.
The work of this section shall consist of furnishing and installing a pre-approved rubberized crack filler in properly prepared cracks in bituminous paved surfaces.
The material shall be hot poured rubberized crack filler (Deery American 974 or equal and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D-3407 for hot poured elastic type sealant). The sealant shall be delivered in the manufacturers sealed containers. Each container shall be legibly marked with the manufacturer’s name and trade name of the material. Materials from different manufacturers other than stated above shall not be allowed. The supplier shall issue a certificate of compliance stating that the material meets the requirements of this project.
Construction Requirements
Equipment: Heating pots for hot poured sealant shall be an indirect double boiler type using oil heat transfer medium. The heating pot shall be capable of controlling the temperature of the sealant within the manufacturer’s recommended application range. A thermometer calibrated within +/-5 degrees Fahrenheit for range of 200 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit shall be provided. The heating pot shall be capable of constantly agitating the material. All cracks larger than 1/8 inch and less than one inch in width are to be filled.
Weather Limitations
Sealant shall not be placed when the weather is foggy, rainy, or when the surface to be sealed is damp or wet.
Immediately prior to the placement of the sealant, the cracks shall be blown clean of dirt, debris, or foreign matter to a depth of at least twice the width of the crack but to a depth of no greater than the pavement thickness.
The sealant shall be heated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, applied at the manufacturer’s temperature and installed flush with the pavement surface. Immediately after the crack is filled, excess material shall be leveled off of the surface by a squeegee, a shoe attached to the applicator wand, or other suitable means. The squeegeed material shall be centered in the crack and shall not exceed 3 inches in width nor 1/16 inch above the surface of asphalt. Any crack sealant showing settling, shrinkage, or a depression in excess of ¼ inch below the pavement surface shall be refilled.
The successful bidder must maintain workers compensation and general liability insurance in the amount of no less than $1,000,000.00 during the project.