The Town of Mt. Crested Butte, Colorado is requesting submission of qualifications from all parties wishing to be considered for consulting services related to developing a new Town Master Plan. The current Master Plan was originally adopted in 1994 and last updated in 2001.
The Town Council recently adopted a Strategic Plan that outlines the Town’s vision, guiding principles, strategic goals and 2021 action items (attached to this RFQ). The action items include developing a Master Plan in conjunction with regional planning efforts, focused on placemaking, enhancing public services, and responsible and intentional growth.
The acquisition of professional services for this task will be a two-part process. The first will be an evaluation of qualifications. Review of qualifications will be conducted by a technical team made up of the Town Manager and key staff within the Town of Mt. Crested Butte. Evaluation of the required submittal materials will be the basis for selection.
Upon initial selection of the most qualified offeror(s), the selected firms will be interviewed by the Town Manager, where scope, timeline and fee schedules will be a final determinant of whether a contract is awarded. The Town may elect to reject any bids for any reason. Qualifications submitted shall be considered subject to the Colorado Open Records Act. Any proprietary products or costs shall be properly marked in accordance with the Act.