The Weld RE-4 School District is seeking professional photography services for the district and
its schools, as specified in Section 3 of this document, with the ultimate goal of having high
quality, consistent imagery for each unit that visually articulates the mission of the district:
Inspire Innovation, Empower Success.
The selected vendor will capture, edit, and produce photographs of district and school buildings
and grounds, as well as photographs that demonstrate hands-on learning and teaching at all
school levels. These photographs will be used for a variety of communication purposes,
including, but not limited to, district publications, websites, and social media. Vendor will provide
the photographs in a high-resolution, jpg/jpeg format through an easy-to-use file transfer
This request for proposal seeks to appoint one vendor to provide photography services prior to
the completion of the 2022-2023 school year, tentatively mid-April, coordinating with the
Communications Department on a schedule and desired shot list