Summary of Specifications:
The Contractor shall have a thorough knowledge of all varieties of trees, shrubs, turf grasses, palms, and plants in the landscaped areas, as well as their cultural and maintenance requirements. The Contractor shall have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of landscape maintenance. The Contractor shall have a thorough knowledge of, and extensive experience in, irrigation installation and maintenance. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, transportation, supervision, equipment, and supplies necessary to perform ground maintenance services i.e. grass cutting, weeding, trimming; pruning of trees, shrubs, ground cover plantings and flower beds; trash, debris, and leaf removal from grassed areas, shrub beds, parking areas; insect, disease, and weed control, fertilization, and tree, shrub, and bedding plant transplanting or installation. Trees, shrubs, grassed areas, palms, and bedding plants which are killed or damaged as a result of Contractor action or negligence shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Bay County Board of County Commissioners. The same applies to the irrigation system. The Bay County Facilities Maintenance Superintendent, or his appointed representative shall monitor all work.