The City of Brooksville is soliciting proposals from qualified contractors for work consisting of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, services, incidentals, and performing all work necessary to rehabilitate portions of the City’s sanitary sewer system as depicted on the Contract Drawings attached. The work includes, but is not limited to, rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewers mains including service laterals via cured in place pipe and open cut, including manhole rehabilitation and all necessary restoration. Project tasks are grouped into four (4) individual bid groups that combine project tasks associated with each rehabilitation process. There is no limit to the number of bid groups to be submitted by a single bidder. All pay items in each bid group must be completed for a bid to be submitted by a single bidder. The funding for this project is provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the FDEP State Revolving Fund (SRF); upon award, the successful bidder must meet – Davis Bacon, American Iron and Steel, and SRF Supplementary Condition requirements.
The funding for this project comes from both Federal and State resources and that come with additional list of specifications, requirements and conditions in addition to the City’s standard provisions. The attached documents from Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will clarify the exact requirements including, but not limited to, FDEP Supplemental Conditions, Federal Labor Standards and American Iron and Steel. These additional requirements include several forms that need to be completed, notarized if required, and returned with the bid packet.