Summary of Specifications:
This RFP is to secure the best competitive prices for fresh, high-quality, seasonal and local produce and to establish a cost plus fixed fee per carton/case/unit contract for the direct delivery of fresh produce to Escambia County School District Cafeterias. FARM-TO-SCHOOL Definition: Collaborative projects that connect schools and local farms to serve locally grown, healthy foods in K-12 school settings, improve student nutrition, educate students about food and health, and support local and regional farmers.
Locally grown produce shall be identified and featured on the menu as often as economically and seasonally feasible. The Department of Nutrition Services participates in the Farm-to-School program to encourage consumption of locally grown produce, to enhance the freshness and nutritional value of the fresh produce, decrease the transport time (food miles) and fuel costs, and to support the local economy. Locally grown produce is defined as “seasonal produce grown in the State of Florida.” Due to the geographic position of the Escambia County School District in the Northwest Section of Florida, the Department of Agriculture may accept adjacent counties in Alabama as local for Escambia County, Florida. The awarded distributor is to assure that GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) letters are available and on file from all farmers and suppliers, and that all Farm-to-School documents and requirements are met.