Summary of Specifications:
Hernando County Board of County Commissioners is seeking proposals from for profit and/or non-profit developers (hereinafter, referred to as Proposers) interested in providing grant administration services related to the recently received FFY15 Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Hernando County has been awarded CDBG Grant #17DB-OL-05-37-01-H07 in the amount of $750,000.00 for the FFY 2015 funding cycle. Procurement and contracting will follow CDBG regulations. Administration services will include complete management and reporting for the project, with separate tracking for each funding source. A scope of work outlining the tasks to be performed in managing the CDBG grants and a proposed cost must be included in the proposal in a separate sealed envelope. The evaluation criterial that will be utilized in the selection of a grant administrator are as follows: 1. Describe organization’s capability to perform services. Provide description of the availability of the Proposer’s assigned staff and client satisfaction with regard to service provided. Repetitive problems with responsiveness, changes of staff, or delivery of timely and quality service based upon references, direct experience, or discussions with agencies will be considered. List any Sub-Contractors that may be used to accomplish these services. Up to 15 points 2. Identify staff to be assigned to the county’s projects; provide detailed resumes including only practical, ‘hands-on’ experience. Hands-on experience with different aspects of single-family property reo’s and other relevant skills will be considered. Any principals, managers, associates, Sub-Contractors, administrative and other organization staff not working on the county’s project or with no practical ‘hands-on’ experience will be scored accordingly. ‘Hands-On’ shall mean personal experience of the key staff assigned to the county’s projects with acquisition/rehabilitation/resale experience. Be sure to address any specific proposals described above for your particular service. Up to 25 points 3. Provide all similar projects within the last five (5) years, inclusive of those specific to your service described above. Each project must include client contact names and phone numbers for both open and closed acquisitions, repairs and resales. Include brief descriptions of project. In addition, provide the length of the rehabilitation project and whether the work was performed on time and within budget. Please include a timeline, total project costs and all partners with primary contacts for each completed project. Up to 10 points 4. Provide preliminary project ideas or samples and a detailed approach demonstrating some consideration and research by the Proposer into implementing the CDBG grant administration. Provide the steps your organization must take to implement the services you offer. Be sure to outline those steps specific to your service, described above. Provide any time-lines of any projects that are similar to these requirements and indicate your organization’s ability to meet the time-lines. Identify any unanticipated factors along the time-line. Up to 30 points 5. Provide an official letter from the Proposer’s financial institution detailing the financial status of the Proposer. The letter shall include a contact name, address, phone number, and fax number. The failure to produce financial requirements may be grounds for disqualification of your offer. Up to 10 points 6. Required forms (section VIII of the RFP document). Up to 5 points 7. Fee or proposed fee basis (provided in a separate sealed envelope). Up to 5 points