Summary of Specifications:
Hernando County is seeking Statements of Qualifications from Florida-registered firms qualified to provide professional engineering, surveying, design and permitting for construction of a five (5) foot sidewalk within the existing right-of-way at two separate corridor locations.
The Linden Drive sidewalk will consist of a typical five (5) foot sidewalk to be located on the north side of the existing right-of-way. This sidewalk is proposed to start at Mariner Boulevard and run approximately 9,500 LF, East to Coronado Drive.
The Martin Luther King Boulevard sidewalk will consist of typical five (5) foot, or six (6) foot adjacent to curb, sidewalk to be located within the existing right-of-way. This sidewalk is proposed to start at US-41 and run approximately 4,200 LF east to Main Street.
Each roadway will result in a separately designed and permitted construction plan set (i.e. Linden Drive sidewalk construction plans, MLK Boulevard sidewalk construction plans). The types of services may include, but are not limited to site analysis; civil engineering design; utility and infrastructure design; storm water system design; surveying; preparation of plans; specification’s and engineer’s reports; cost estimating and scheduling; and permitting. Funding for the project is allocated through a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Local Agency Program (LAP) grant.