1. Introduction
The Indian River Mosquito Control District (IRMCD) is accepting Requests for Proposals (RFP) for
Bookkeeping and Accounting Services. The objective of this RFP is to solicit formal proposals from qualified
and experienced individual(s) or firms with a proven record of accomplishment with similar public sector
entities. Proficiency and access to QuickBooks Accountant Software is required. The contract term will be
for a (2) year period with option to renew for an additional (3) year period.
Proposals shall be submitted electronically to Lisa Ridley, via L.Ridley@irmosquito2.org by 12:00PM EST
on September 20, 2022. Proposals received after deadline will not be considered.
2. Organizational Background
The District is an independent taxing district which was legislatively established in 1925 and provides
mosquito control services Indian River County. The District government has been organized according to
the Council–Administrator form of government. As such, the Board of Commissioners (Board) sets
policy, adopts legislation, and approves the budget. The Board appoints an administrator to conduct the
day-to-day district business, to prepare the budget, to oversee department heads, and to recommend
policy to the board. The District employs 31 full-time employees. The District’s operating budget is
approximately $7.3 million which is generated primarily by ad valorem property taxes. (Refer to
www.irmosquito.com for more information about the District.)
3. Scope of Services
The firm or individual(s) selected will be responsible for providing the following services:
A. Bookkeeping Services
A. Perform monthly reconciliation of bank accounts using QuickBooks software from backup file
and unopened bank statements provided by the Administrative Unit
B. Record monthly interest from all bank accounts into QuickBooks software
C. Provide monthly reconciliation reports from QuickBooks as supporting documentation for
D. Review General Ledger, and Balance Sheet report any discrepancies monthly.
E. End of year public fund deposit record review
F. Review all adjusting journal entries and supporting documentation monthly. Report any
accounting anomalies
B. Support
A. Provide assistance, guidance, and suggestions throughout the year to the Administrative Staff
at Indian River Mosquito Control District with QuickBooks
B. Report any internal control procedure deficiencies in compliance with accepted accounting
IRMCD RFP 2022-03
Note: Estimated hours for service 6 per month. Subcontracting is not authorized.
4. Timeline
The tentative schedule for selection of a consultant to perform the work is as follows:
Action Item Date(s)
Issue Request for Proposals 9/6/2022
Deadline for Proposal Submissions 9/20/2022
Recommendation and Approval by Board of
Execute Contract and Notice to Proceed TBD
5. Proposal
Proposals should not include any material to be returned to the responding firm and should be a concise
statement. All Proposals must be emailed to Lisa Ridley by 12:00pm EST on September 20, 2022. Hard
copy proposals will not be accepted. Proposals must include the following information:
A. Organizational Information
• Legal name of firm
• Type of entity
• Contact name
• Contact address, phone number, email
• Website
• Name of person authorized to enter into contact on behalf of firm
• Primary services
• Primary market/customers
• Number of years in business
B. Statement of Qualifications: Provide sufficient information and related experience of personnel
who will perform IRMCD bookkeeping/accounting services. Include resumes of the persons
directly responsible for this contract and other professionals directly involved. Resumes shall
include all relevant experience during the last three years with governmental entities similar to
IRMCD, education, CPA licenses and continuing education of the individuals, if applicable.
Provide a statement describing the scope of work as you understand it.
C. Cost of Services: Provide a total cost estimate, include a rate schedule for computing any extra
work not specified in the contracted scope of work.
D. Key Personnel: Identify the key personnel and their back-ups, if any, that will be assigned to
provide services. Include experience of each person, responsibilities, years of experience (both
overall and with current firm), any applicable licenses and /or certifications.
C. References: Please provide at least three references from customers with similar operations to
IRMCD. Include contact names, phone numbers, email addresses and industry.
D. Insurance: Verify that your firm can fulfill the insurance requirements as described
IRMCD RFP 2022-03
E. Debarment or other Disqualification: Respondent must disclose any debarment or other
disqualification as a supplier of vendor at the federal, state, or local government level.
Respondent must describe the nature of the debarment/ disqualification, including where and
how to find such detailed information.
6. Questions Regarding Solicitation
IRMCD will respond to questions and requests for clarification to the Request for Proposal in written RFP
Addendum(s) as needed, these will be posted via bidnet direct:
https://www.bidnetdirect.com/florida/indianrivermosquitocontrol solicitation inquiries should be
directed by email to Lisa Ridley (L.Ridley@irmosquito2.org). No verbal requests will be accepted. All
requests for clarification must be receive by 12:00PM EST on 9/16/2022.
7. Response Preparation
IRMCD is not liable for any cost, fee, or expense incurred by any of the respondents in replying to this RFP,
whether selected or not. Each responding consultant shall protect, defend, indemnify, and hold
harmless the District from any and all liability, claims, and expenses whosoever incurred by, or on behalf
of the entity participating in the preparation of its response to this RFP. Such non-reimbursable, fees, and
expenses include, but are not limited to, each of the following:
A. Preparing the proposal and related information in response to this RFP
B. Negotiations with the District on any matter related to this procurement
C. Costs associated with interviews, meetings, travel, or presentations
D. All other expenses incurred by responding consultant prior to the date of award and a formal
notice to proceed
8. Insurance Requirements
Respondent, at respondent’s sole cost and expense and for the full term of the resultant contract or any
extension, shall obtain and maintain at least all of the insurance requirements of IRMCD.
Proof of insurance coverage shall be provided as part of the proposal and shall include the insurance types
and required coverages specified below. Upon award of the contract IRMCD shall be named as an
additional insured by separate endorsement.
• General Liability
• Workers Compensation or Specified Exemption
9. General Conditions and Requirements
A. The District reserves the right to conduct contract negotiations with any consultant (whether or
not it has submitted a proposal), to verify the information in any proposal, to waive any
informality in the process, to alter the selection process in any way, to request additional
information or clarifications, to allow corrections of errors or omissions, to revise the scope of
services and work, to extend the deadline for submission, to withdraw this request for proposals
IRMCD RFP 2022-03
at any time without prior notice, to reject any and all proposals, and to decide whether or not to contract with any consultant. B. IRMCD makes no representation that any contract will be awarded to any consultant responding to this request. Nothing in this request for proposals shall be construed to obligate the District to negotiate or enter into a contract with any particular firm. This request for proposals is not an offer to contract.
C. All submitted proposals shall become the property of the District. The District shall have the right to copy, publicly review and discuss, retain, and dispose of each proposal. All responses received by the District will be considered public records subject to disclosure under the Florida Public Records Act.
D. Proposals may be submitted electronically as a PDF. Please be succinct. Unnecessarily elaborate or lengthy responses or other presentations beyond those needed to give sufficient and clear response to the request for proposals requirements are not desired. Proposals should not exceed 10 pages
10. Evaluation Criteria
The following factors will be used when evaluating the proposals. The factors are not listed in order of importance.
A. Responsiveness to Request for Proposal Specifications
B. Pricing
C. Qualifications of firm
D. Qualifications of staff
E. References
F. Demonstrated capability to perform work as requested
11. Public Records
All Proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of IRMCD. Information in the Proposal, unless specified as trade protected, may be subject to public review. Any information contained in the Proposal that is proprietary must be clearly designated. Marking the entire Proposal as proprietary will be neither accepted nor honored.
12. Payment and Invoicing
The consultant shall submit all invoices to Indian River Mosquito Control District monthly. Failure to submit accurate and complete invoices may cause invoice to be rejected. All invoices shall list a single unique invoice number for processing, it may contain letters and/or numbers. Invoices are normally paid within (20) calendar days of receipt of an invoice, except in the case where items being billed are called into question. IRMCD will notify the consultant within (5) days of receipt of an invoice for any items questioned. The consultant shall prepare verification data for the amount claimed and provide complete cooperation during such investigation.