Summary of Specifications:
A. It is the intent of the Okaloosa County Water & Sewer System (OCWS) to enter into a contract for the testing, repair and maintenance of the OCWS Water Supply Wells, Water Booster Pump Stations & Wastewater Effluent Pumps.
B. The Contractor, by submitting a proposal for this project, agrees to work overtime, weekends, holidays, etc., as required to return the water supply well(s) back to service.
C. The location and number of the water supply wells is described on the attached well data sheets. The Contractor shall visit each site and be familiar with any site conditions that may influence specific job functions. The Contractor shall be responsible for restoring any fencing, paving, grassing, etc., that was removed or damaged by his operations.
D. The Contractor shall obtain all State, County and City permits as required to complete the repairs to the wells. The Contractor shall furnish the Owner with a copy of all permits prior to beginning work on a well repair project.
E. The Contractor shall guarantee the water supply well to produce water at the rated capacity if pulled and repaired unless the Owner directs the Contractor to omit repairs that would restore the pumping capacity.
F. This contract may be used by other County departments.