A mandatory onsite pre-Bid meeting will be held at the Jobsite on October 18, 2022 at 1:00 PM CST. Physical participation is required.
The Bidder’s proposed abatement Subcontractor must visit the Jobsite prior to the Bidder’s submission of Bid. The abatement Subcontractor can visit the Jobsite either during the pre-
Bid meeting or a subsequent Jobsite visit.
Additional Jobsite visits of reasonable duration may be scheduled with the Owner.
The Bidder (and Subcontractors) must bring and use their own safety equipment: hard hat, safety shoes, safety glasses, reflective vests, and a high lumen flashlight. A safety briefing
will take place prior to a Jobsite tour. Portions of the school structure are in a deteriorating state, with debris (fallen roofing, plaster, peeled paint) present in rooms and hallways, and
some areas are not safely accessible. Lead and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in paint and asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are present in building materials.
The purpose of a Jobsite visit is to allow the Bidder (and Subcontractors) to tour the Jobsite to understand the scope of Work. The Bidder shall be solely responsible for conducting
such due diligence as deemed necessary or desirable to be fully informed as to the existing and expected Jobsite conditions and matters which might in any way affect the cost and /
or the performance and completion of the Work. Any failure by the Bidder (and Subcontractors) to fully investigate the Jobsite and complete due diligence as to Jobsite
conditions shall not relieve the Bidder from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing and completing the Work. A representative
from the Owner’s team will guide tours of the Jobsite and answer any questions by the Bidder.